Monday, March 17, 2014

6 months old

Ruth turned 6 months old on March 12. We held a family half-birthday party and she unwrapped her very own booster seat. She had been begging to join us at the dinner table for several months and you can see by the look on her face that she loves it!

No, she didn't eat the half-birthday pie. Her first meal was smashed bananas and rice cereal. Her eating skills were off the charts, much like her weight (20lbs 2 oz... the weight, I might add, reached before solid foods ever touched her lips). We've got a good eater.

This morning is St. Patrick's day. Our breakfast was pinterest inspired waffle rainbows on a cloud of whipped cream and a golden egg. Delish.

1 comment:

  1. I'm enjoying both of your blogs! Wendy, you don't know me but my family lives in Springville. We lived next door to Daniel and Hollie for years before they moved and we count Wally and Diane as some of our favorite people. Sadie and Jo-Jo used to play a lot at our house when they were little and it's amazing to see how much Lucy and Reuben look like their big brother and sister! And Ruth is adorable! Daniel, she reminds me of Ella when she was that age----super chunky and cherubic!
    I love the rainbow waffles idea! I might have to get over my distaste of food coloring for this one! So cute.

    I'm so happy for you guys---seems like life is going so well for you. Wendy, I hope we'll get to meet you someday. Our blog is

    Sarah Holden :)
