Wednesday, September 30, 2015

W. Elizabeth Carr

We are so happy to have our sweet little Wendy Elizabeth in our family. We call her "Elizabeth" or "Tessie." She was born on Sunday, September 20th at 1:52 am. 7 lbs 12 oz, 20.5 in long. She came in short order after contractions started, quite literally. Four hours of labor, I only had to push twice-- once for her head, once for her body. Her temperament has more than matched her delivery-- calm, quiet, easy. We are so in love!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Ruth update

This Saturday is Ruth's 2nd birthday. We love her so much! She constantly amazes us with her whit and charm. 

Today I gave her a little interview and learned that:
  • Her favorite animal is a giraffe (though she also LOVES dogs and horses). 
  • Her favorite color is pink.
  • Her favorite book is Berenstain Bears.
  • Her favorite show is a show about a dog.
  • Her favorite number is one.
  • Her favorite letter is A, B, C, D, E, and F.
  • Her favorite food is cheese and tortillas.
Other fun facts to share are:
  • Ruth loves to choose her own clothes and frequently changes them as the day progresses.
  • She has a great sense of humor and loves to make us laugh.
  • She is excited to be a big sister soon and has told me all the things she is (or is not) willing to share with the new baby.
  • She is very generous with "Please" and "Thank you." We love how polite she is and helps us to be!
  • She knows all of her nursery friends by name... all 12!
  • She memorizes books and recites them to us, word for word. She is particularly good at memorizing books that rhyme. 
  • She knows all the words to the primary songs we sing before bed and sings along with us. My favorites are "I Am a Child of God" and "Teach Me to Walk in the Light." She is so precious.