Wednesday, September 20, 2017

More pictures of Tess

W. Elizabeth's Birthday

Happy birthday to our lovely little Tess! She turned 2 years old today. So much has happened since her birth, including accepting and then losing a job in Arabia, moving to Provo, unemployment, new job with healthcare, moving to California, and the addition of her little sister Kate.

Tess is the sweetest, happiest, most energetic two year old you could ask for. She is generous with her "thank yous," which melts my heart, and is always the first one to greet Dad when he comes home with a big hug and kiss.

She loves to draw, can jump pretty high with both feet, runs at full speed-- leaping over anything in her path, and is really good at falling without crying (not sure if she's just really tough or simply has a high tolerance for pain). She loves to dress up, and she keeps up with Ruth like a best buddy should. She also has an incredible sense of humor that keeps us laughing.

Let's just say, we LOVE Tess!