Sunday, October 25, 2015

Halloween 2015

Trunk or treat this weekend meant the first round of candy this season.  Here are the costumes.

Each year we have a fun time coming up with a creative Trunk-or-Treat activity for the kids to do at our car. Our first year we built a cardboard tunnel in the bed of the truck, our second year we filled a very large wooden box with shredded paper and candy and had the kids jump in to find their treat. This year we decided to go all out with a camping theme- complete with truck, tent, hammock, fire, marshmallows and guitar sing along. I don't know about the kids, but the adults loved it so much that we stayed late into the night, long after the official activity had ended.


  1. So much personality! Lucy's kitty--so understated and chic. Reuben's ninja--very mysterious. Ruthy's purple pony---technically creative and yet very girly at the same time. And Tessie's an excellent sleepy pumpkin.

  2. They were a ninja and cat last year too, right? They are still loving the ninjas and cats I guess. THat horse outfit is really cute.

  3. Camparooni! That's a fun halloween theme for sure. Like.

  4. Wow, you even transported the fire pit for it? That's awesome.
